Board of Directors Minutes


Board of Directors Approved 02/03/00


January 6, 2000

Present: Fell, King, Robinson, Koch, Bond, Chesarek, McInnis, Goldmann, Forristall, Varady

Guests: Recknagel, Singer

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Fell thanked the Board for participating in the Employee Christmas Party and for their contribution to the raffle fund.

Minutes of December 2 and Special Minutes of December 14, 1999

McInnis motioned to approve, Robinson seconded. The motion carried.

Construction Committee - Dome Room

Construction Committee for the Year 2000 - McInnis motioned to approve Recknagel, Story and Koch to remain as the Construction Committee. King seconded, the motion carried.

Dome Construction Update - The foundation has been poured, the frame is going up, carpet for the Dome was purchased during the Terrace renovation. Interior colors for the Dome Room have been selected by the House Committee for Board approval. Recknagel feels the Committee has found a stone for the outside of the Dome building that will blend well with the current native stone. The tentative date for completion is mid-March 2000. This date is subject to change. Capozzo has canceled April events.

Terrace - O'Brien Builders has a punch list to complete.

Master Plan Budget - Singer reviewed the Master Plan cash needs and cash position through the projected completion of the project. The contingency available to date is $42,880.

Treasurer's Report

A $250.00 per member assessment may be necessary. The determination will be made once the 1999 books are closed. The Treasurer's Report was accepted. A discussion was held on the various ways the financial statements can be prepared for the Board.

Membership Sales and Notations

Koch motioned to approve Neil and Peggy Sandow for membership. Varady seconded, the motion carried. There were no Notice To Sell forms.

President's Advisory Committees

Chairpersons and Liaisons - Committee Liaison Chairman

Tennis Goldmann Twitchell

House Chesarek Koch

Green Forristall Graybeal

Social / Food McInnis Doll

Golf King Walker

Pool Koch Stallings

Membshp Varady Kingsbury

Finance Robinson Singer

By-Laws Fell Ross

Retail Robinson

Master Plan Anthony Sconza

McInnis motioned to approve, Robinson seconded. The motion carried.


Date for Finance Committee to Present 2000 Budget: Not determined.

Financial Advisor to the Board - McInnis motioned to appoint Les Singer as a Financial Advisor to the Board of Directors. Goldmann seconded, the motion carried.

Executive Committee - Forristall motioned to approve Fell, Chesarek, Koch and Robinson as the Executive Committee of the Board. Anthony seconded, the motion carried.

King motioned that item #2 on the form which describes the Executive Committee's Area of Responsibility, to read "The Committee shall have complete charge of all purchases up to $1000.00 per item. Line items not budgeted in excess of $1000.00 will require Board approval, except in cases of emergency that could jeopardize the operation of the Club, and then the Board will be notified immediately". Varady seconded, the motion carried. The Board deleted item #7 and approved the form with the changes.

President's Goals For The Year 2000

1. Complete the Building Project as soon as possible

2. Enhance the normal flow of revenue for the balance of the calendar year with special emphasis on the last quarter income.

3. Increase the level of participation for revenue enhancement.


House - Budget proposal is finalized.

Tennis - Budget proposal is finalized. The committee would like to survey other NEB clubs on their policies and procedures for various classes of members, with special attention to Tennis memberships.

Social / F&B - A survey was sent out with the KEY requesting input for Club social events.

Buildings & Grounds - Budget proposal is finalized.

Koch asked the Board to approve Budget Item #6 Landscaping and Lighting at Pool, for $6,000. With approval, it will become Budget Item #1. Anthony motioned to approve, Forristall seconded, the motion carried.

The Committee will submit final sign designs to the Golf, Green, House and Poool/Fitness Committees for review. B&G will then present the signs to the Board.

Pool - The Committee would like to change its name to Pool & Fitness Committee. Forristall motioned to approve, Anthony seconded. The motion carried.

The Committee would like to use the second story of the Pool Building as a fitness room. It was motioned that the Pool & Fitness Committee gather ideas (not a survey) for use of the second floor and present it to the Board. Varady seconded, the motion carried.

Forristall requested that the idea of communication from the 11 tee to the Snack Bar be researched. If communication is established he would like to see the Snack Bar remain open later in the season.

Old & New Business

Senior Men's Flag Pole Donation - One pole, two flags. A suggestion to put a light at the bottom to the pole to illuminate the flag at night so it would not have to be lowered will be researched. The Building & Grounds Committee will submit to the Board a location for pole placement. Robinson motioned to accept the donation, King seconded. The motion carried.

Parking Lot Shuttle - Storage space is needed before a shuttle is purchased. Buildings & Grounds will locate a space and submit the location to the Board.

Trail Fees - Discussion tabled until March 2000.

Correspondence - A member wrote a letter inquiring what the formal or informal policy is concerning the use of the golf course on Christmas day when the Club is closed. The Board will review the policy and respond with their answer.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Maurry Koch
